Casino Gambling Quotations
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX
- The
roulette table pays nobody except him that keeps it. Nevertheless
a passion for gaming is common, though a passion for keeping
roulette tables is unknown.
-Bernard Shaw
- It
can be argued that man's instinct to gamble is the only
reason he is still not a monkey up in the trees.
-Mario Puzo, Inside Las Vegas
- I've
learned the lesson that the worst thing that can happen
to a gambler is to let his recent losses or wins knock
him off keel emotionally.
-Andrew Beyer
- Judged
by the dollars spent, gambling is now more popular in
America than baseball, the movies, and Disneyland-combined.
-Timothy L. O'Brien, Bad Bet (1998)
- They
(slot machines) sit there like young courtesans, promising
pleasures undreamed of, your deepest desires fulfilled,
all lusts satiated.
-Frank Scoblete
- Gambling
itself will only end when human nature has changed completely
and there are no more bets to win.
-Harold S. Smith Sr., I Want to Quit Winners
- The
majority of casino players leave to much to chance when
playing in a casino. To put it bluntly, they don't have
a clue as to how to play.
-Henry Tamburin, gambling author
- They
are the new breed of slot machine-colorful, fancy, exciting,
wonderful...and deadly.
-Frank Scoblete
- One
of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a
package of garden seeds.
Dan Bennett
- A
dollar won is twice as sweet as a dollar earned.
-Paul Newman, The Color of Money
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX
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